Despite numerous studies on the efficacy of lemongrass in various health-related areas. There is currently insufficient scientific or medical evidence to clearly confirm the therapeutic. Efficacy or health benefits in any area. Therefore, scientific and medical research should continue. Both in larger sample groups and with a greater diversity of populations.
Therefore, while there is still insufficient medical information. Consumers or products extracted from lemongrass should be careful about the steps and quantities of consumption for health safety UFABET

Safety in consuming lemongrass.
Consumption information for the general public
- Likely safe to consume in amounts commonly used in cooking.
- Consuming or applying it to the skin for medicinal purposes is POSSIBLY SAFE when used for a short period of time under the care and guidance of a doctor.
- Inhaling lemongrass-based ingredients can cause dangerous and toxic side effects in some people, such as those with lung problems.
- Careless or incorrect use of products containing extract can lead to life-threatening poisoning, such as swallowing mosquito repellent made from lemongrass.
Precautions for those with health factors.
- Pregnant women should avoid consuming as it can stimulate menstrual blood flow. Which may increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Breastfeeding women : Currently, there is still no clear evidence about the safety of consuming. While breastfeeding. Breastfeeding women should avoid consuming lemongrass to prevent health risks to themselves. And their babies who may be exposed to various substances through breast milk.
- Patients with chronic diseases should always consult a doctor before consuming lemongrass or any food to determine if it may affect their symptoms.