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Monthly Archives: January 2025

Difference Between Nutritionists and Dieticians

Difference Between Nutritionists and Dieticians We are in an era where every social media influencer and celebrity seems to offer their unique spin on health and nutrition. However, distinguishing between sound advice and popular trends becomes crucial. Amidst this vast pool of information, where health

Potential Drawbacks of Intermittent Fasting

Potential Drawbacks of Intermittent Fasting Despite its popularity, intermittent fasting is not without its drawbacks, which include: Before embarking on an intermittent fasting plan, it is crucial to assess its suitability for your lifestyle and health needs, considering all potential risks and benefits. Consulting with

Cardiovascular Disease & Yo-Yo Dieting

Cardiovascular Disease & Yo-Yo Dieting Yo-Yo dieting causes body-weight fluctuation. As per a study, for people with the highest variation in body weight, the risk of a coronary event was 64% higher, the risk of a cardiovascular event 85% higher, death 124% higher, myocardial infarction